Swallowing Disorders and Rehabilitation
Swallowing rehabilitation includes physical problems such as musculoskeletal problems as well as sensory perceptual and behavioural problems. Occupational therapists use facial and oral massages, tongue, jaw, lip exercises, oral motor exercises and activities, intraoral sensory applications for the development of oral-motor skills such as independent eating, sucking, swallowing, chewing and saliva problems in swallowing rehabilitation. […]
Snoezelen Therapy
Through multi-sensory environments suitable for all ages and development, Snoezelen therapy offers a relaxed atmosphere with pleasant surroundings, relaxing sounds, fascinating aromas, tactile experiences, massage and vibration, vibro-sonic sensations and gentle movement. Through interesting lighting effects and comfortable seating, one can selectively self-regulate one’s senses. Snoezelen therapy can help with learning/development, help to relax an […]
Social Skills Training
Social competence is the whole of social skills that vary according to the environment and age. Social competence includes skills that are directly related to the interaction and adaptation of individuals with their environment, including self-confidence, communication, and appropriateness of speaking time. Limitations in these skills lead to difficulties in developing friendships, not achieving the […]
Low Vision Rehabilitation
In the rehabilitation of people whose visual function is restricted due to any congenital, hereditary reasons, accidents or illnesses, the aim is to improve their ability to use the remaining vision effectively. Visual acuity, visual field, visual attention, visual memory, visual discrimination, recognition, matching, sorting/classification skills are developed in Low Vision Rehabilitation by using illuminated […]
Occupational Therapy in Down Syndrome Individuals
Some of the problems such as slow learning, difficulty in problem solving and decision making, drooling, difficulty in speech, delay in motor development, frequent falls and bumps, low muscle tone and delay in fine and gross motor development due to looseness in joints are experienced in individuals with Down syndrome. In the treatment of these […]
Sensory Integration Therapy
What are the Common Sensory Integration Disorders? Slow response Reduced attention span Inability to speak in appropriate tone and speed Constant fatigue Inability to concentrate in noisy environments, covering the ears Concentrating on the wrong sound and missing the target Memory difficulties No reaction to sound, inability to orientate the sound Picking food, smelling the […]
Hand Rehabilitation and Sensory Education
The aim of rehabilitation approaches in muscular diseases is to improve the quality of life of the child and his/her family and to ensure independent participation in activities. The aim of the applications made for this purpose is as follows: To ensure the maintenance of muscle strength or delay the loss of strength To use […]
Cognitive Therapy
What is Cognitive Therapy? Cognitive functions can be defined as the ability to know, including awareness, perception, logical thinking, language, memory and reasoning. These skills are, Attention (continuous, selective, scrolling), Perception (visual, spatial, auditory, tactile), Orientation , Memory (short-term, long-term, topographical-ground memory), Managerial functions (problem solving and quick decision making,) Learning and using knowledge, Organisation […]
Occupational Therapy in Autism
In autism, Occupational Therapists work with methods such as sensory integration, activities of daily living training, use of assistive devices, visual perception, cognitive therapies and family trainings by taking advantage of the therapeutic feature of the activity in order to help individuals adapt to their own living environments, improve their independence and social participation skills. […]